Effects of reducing fat and destroying the fat tissue in the areas of energy concentration, including abdomen, chin, legs, thighs and arms will help form firm skin without sagging by using low-intensity ultrasonic and skin-friendly bio-light.

Fat tissue consists of a large number of cells called adipocyte (about 20 to 25 billion). Every fat cell contains one or more globule de gras. The more fat they contain, the fatter we are, badly affecting our health. Too much abdominal fat is not good for arteries, compared to fat distributed over the rest of the body.

In addition, when the body has too much fat, women will lose confidence in the appearance; it makes the body imbalanced and rough, especially fat in biceps, thighs, waist, etc.

So, what method should we choose to eliminate fat quickly, safely and effectively? CC CLINIC is using a non-surgical, non-invasive fat reduction treatment using cryolipolysis machine- the most advanced technology today. The application of advanced technology in the beauty process makes you feel comfortable and helps you regain the slender body.


Fat cool-sculpting technology is a method of reducing fat cells by using the integrated technologies of Cryo, vacuum and infrared rays. The principle is based on controlling the cooling mode to kill the subcutaneous adipose tissue and promote fat metabolism in the body without damaging the skin surface and shaping the body lines.

Effects of reducing fat and destroying the fat tissue in the areas of energy concentration, including abdomen, chin, legs, thighs and arms will help form firm skin without sagging by using low-intensity ultrasonic and skin-friendly bio-light.


Safe and non-invasive.

Comfortable, relaxed during treatment.

No ragging because the machine helps collagen retraction and makes skin smooth.

No dead time.


During treatment, to ensure the quicker and more effective results, the patients should follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Do exercise or choose the right sports to help you release fat quickly. Proper regimen: Implement a protein-rich, low-fat diet. Eat lean meat, chicken and lots of fishes, vegetables, nuts and beans. Avoid high-sugar drinks, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Get enough sleep: sleep 8 hours a night – and it is better to go to bed at 22:00, as sleep before midnight is considered the most beneficial.

Avoid stress: Overstress will increase your cortisol levels, contributing to increasing fat intake in your belly.

Drink a lot of water.

